看板 Diary Copied by name2name2
Then I installed s1 noon on the way with two who are hard to train seriously for a moment that we do not practice really can not get the afternoon came back to find means s1 installed the wrong order to change the first load master s, loaded into half and I see c00 strange things run very slow and others also ran very slow to reboot and then reinstall it, has installed 20 intermediate continue to look at ch custom inability to implement the installation, we dealt with some of the things in mailbox. -- 「23即依此三性,  立彼三無性,    故佛密意說,  一切法無性。  24初即相無性,  次無自然性,    後由遠離前,  所執我、法性。  25此諸法勝義,  亦即是真如,    常如其性故,  即唯識實性。」 ~ Sent from my PCMan Combo ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Diary/M.1461509808.A.ABB.html