看板 Diary Copied by name2name2
Continue to write Ap, generated half done before the discovery of con malformed weight change and modify the generated files * 4 9 about con and De, continues to generate change eventually finished, found less than Ld blank check again when Ck want to spend a lot of brain power from which part of the change in re examination there, agreed to increase functionality, finished at noon with the B report, prepared by sub-fat version of the V S synchronous write afternoon listening to A 2.5Hr, meeting 1.5Hr (assessment / problem) I wrote this about 16 day. -- 「15依止根本識,  五識隨緣現,    或俱或不俱,  如濤波依水。  16意識常現起,  除生無想天,    及無心二定,  睡眠與悶絕。」 「17是諸識轉變,  分別、所分別,    由此彼皆無,  故一切唯識。」 「18由一切種識,  如是如是變,    以展轉力故,  彼彼分別生。」 「19由諸業習氣、  二取習氣俱,    前異熟既盡,  復生餘異熟。」 ~ Sent from my PCMan Combo ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Diary/M.1461502617.A.06B.html ※ 編輯: name2name2 (, 04/24/2016 21:00:21