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※ 編輯: name2name2 (, 04/18/2016 00:15:25
The NRM B teaching architecture almost understand that the success of the
last change, then talk to B confirms CS single, IP single, began to grasp a
bunch of Cg Get a file write CS W write, finished with B report the results,
B represents S not written.
Continue up to write, to write for a while,
because of a write over the most recent load is very obvious, really practice
using Dr X open reading automatically generated to be something, after
this thing a lot easier to write.
11善謂信、慚、愧、 無貪等三根,
勤、安、不放逸、 行捨及不害。
12煩惱謂貪、瞋、 癡、慢、疑、惡見。
隨煩惱謂忿、 恨、覆、惱、嫉、慳、
13誑、諂與害、憍、 無慚及無愧、
掉舉與惛沈、 不信并懈怠、
14放逸及失念、 散亂、不正知。
不定謂悔、眠, 尋、伺二各二。」