看板 Diary Copied by name2name2
(practice my poor english not promise the grammar and usage are correct) lately i'm thinking about pattern, patten seems to can be described in many surfaces, if it refer to the thought that swiftly ponder in my mind, just in this short period, the result is enough to burst a stone. this phenomenon seems has taken place in the past innumerable times, and it seems that i always just let it storm for a short while and just conclude it by just thinking wow it is so complex and really a great quantity, even in a short while and i just give it a quick glance that i can bring that much result, futhermore to say the result that if i really spend time and spirit into the pursue of the answer behind the condition. i often just give it a conjecture, fancy of the final result, and hence be fully satisfied, and stop at here, then just turn to start another process. to analysis this conditoin, more widelt to say, to analyze mostly conditons, whatever it is, often has to directons, one is good, and another is bad. many things has these two surfaces at the same time, and so is i think about this condition. possesing these two surfaces at the same time is really an interesting condition, because as often as not that it' this condition so that can evoke great quntity and drastic discussions, and this big tide is usually liked by numerous people, for me i have special morale at it because this kind of condition can stimulate my thinking, and this effect seems use some unknown way to prompt some kind of sense that can be actually experienced by all people. this thing is also one of the topic recently i'm exploring about, i think this thing is the major force that control the orbit of the perception world. also type some text i read today: i'm in the mrket for a new computer and i'm leaning buying a thing. before you think about purchasing anything, you should really compare the quality and cost of the two thing. not really. if you comapre two into similar features, you'll find they often cost about the same. maybe so. but there are so many companies that make one, you have a lot more options to choose from. actually, i like the simplicity of choosing from only one manufacturers's line of products. i guess it depends on what you want to use your computer for. my pc is great for reading e-mail and creating documents.look around your home, and you'll likely find many eletrical appliances. while they can make your life easier, they can also be dangerous. if not properly maintained, appliances can cause fires. in a normal year in the united states, electrical appliances are responsible for 67800 house fires. what can you do to be safe? here are some tips: check the thing on your appliances regularly. replace all the worn or damaged ones immediately. how many things do you have plugged into one outlet? plugging into many items into ine outlet can be dangerous. be careful not to use one small plug with too many gadgets. keep eletrical applances away from wet areas. be especially careful in the bathroom and kitchen. if an appliance falls into the water, do not touch it. unplug it first. even if an appliance is turned off, it can shock you. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Diary/M.1443363960.A.01D.html