看板 Diary Copied by name2name2
(practice my poor english not promise the grammar and usage are correct) i found a miraculous program that test the computer's efficiency, and it test by run the number pi pi appears to be a peculiar number, some book record that many people in the ancient periods explore the way to caculate the precise value about pi. in modern times, maybe ther're many good ways to accomplish it, and i know some way but just have a little concept about how to caculate, so i just can base on my knowledge to guess the program maybe use some of the way to do this. the program provides many test conditions for users to choose, and i know this program on a website, it says that to produce a file of size 16k his computer cost 25s, and his article is written in 2007, and i just test the same thing now, and astonished find that the computer just cost smaller than 1s. that's really big difference, and i'm superised at the levels of technology progress. also type some text i read today: a cup of sweet mint tea "tops off" any meal nicely. i think pcs are better computers, and they cost about half "as much as" macs do. growing up in a violent home "put hsieh on the path toward" a life of crime soon, the babies learn to suck "in return for" music. that's alwaysmoney "well-spent. today, thousands of people can do things they never "thought possible. thought that are possible inside the bach home in hampton, va, it's "just another late wednesday afternoon. we have too many boxes of different decoration "if you ask me. you're nothing but trouble and everyone knows it. but a volleyer will jump back into other commitments and relationships "during down times... -- ◆ Sent from my PCMan Combo [按任意鍵繼續] ◆ 現在有 人在線上 [按任意鍵繼續] ◆ 你的帳號: () ◆ 現在時間: [按任意鍵繼續] ◆ 按住Page down 會有動畫效果 [按任意鍵繼續] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Diary/M.1442671607.A.62F.html ※ 編輯: name2name2 (, 09/19/2015 22:07:38