作者name2name2 (yanghi)
時間Mon May 11 22:54:55 2015
I wish I can keep improving,
the things that not the first I want to do are
too too too much,
I can't but have to spend time on them,
but in fact the distance i'm approaching
another deadline of my life stage is only 60 days,
i should get some practical point in this time,
i should work very very hard,
but in this condition,
and many other influnece by my personality,
not so desirable,
the status now is farfar insufficient,
I have to lubricate much and much more!!!!
(english not very good just write at will..)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Diary/M.1431356097.A.E47.html
→ name2name2: 明天繼續衝刺!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/13 00:29
→ name2name2: 今天也要繼續再衝一發!!! 05/14 14:46